LE; do_action('em_ticket_booking_save_pre',$this); //First the person if($this->validate()){ //Now we save the ticket $this->booking_id = $this->get_booking()->booking_id; //event wouldn't exist before save, so refresh id $data = $this->to_array(true); //add the true to remove the nulls $result = null; if($this->ticket_booking_id != ''){ if($this->get_spaces() > 0){ $where = array( 'ticket_booking_id' => $this->ticket_booking_id ); $result = $wpdb->update($table, $data, $where, $this->get_types($data)); $this->feedback_message = __('Changes saved','events-manager'); }else{ $this->result = $this->delete(); } }else{ if($this->get_spaces() > 0){ //TODO better error handling // first check that the uuid is unique, if not change it and repeat until unique while( $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare("SELECT ticket_uuid FROM $table WHERE ticket_uuid=%s", $this->ticket_uuid) ) ){ $this->ticket_uuid = $data['ticket_uuid'] = $this->generate_uuid(); } // now insert with unique uuid $result = $wpdb->insert($table, $data, $this->get_types($data)); $this->ticket_booking_id = $wpdb->insert_id; $this->feedback_message = __('Ticket booking created','events-manager'); }else{ //no point saving a booking with no spaces $result = false; } } if( $result === false ){ $this->feedback_message = __('There was a problem saving the ticket booking.', 'events-manager'); $this->errors[] = __('There was a problem saving the ticket booking.', 'events-manager'); } if( $this->ticket_booking_id ){ //Step 2 - Save ticket meta $wpdb->delete(EM_TICKETS_BOOKINGS_META_TABLE, array('ticket_booking_id' => $this->ticket_booking_id)); $meta_insert = array(); foreach( $this->meta as $meta_key => $meta_value ){ if( is_array($meta_value) ){ $associative = array_keys($meta_value) !== range(0, count($meta_value) - 1); // we go down one level of array foreach( $meta_value as $kk => $vv ){ if( is_array($vv) ) $vv = serialize($vv); if ( $associative ) { $meta_insert[] = $wpdb->prepare('(%d, %s, %s)', $this->ticket_booking_id, '_'.$meta_key.'|'.$kk, $vv); } else { $meta_insert[] = $wpdb->prepare('(%d, %s, %s)', $this->ticket_booking_id, '_'.$meta_key.'|', $vv); } } }else{ $meta_insert[] = $wpdb->prepare('(%d, %s, %s)', $this->ticket_booking_id, $meta_key, $meta_value); } } if( !empty($meta_insert) ){ $wpdb->query('INSERT INTO '. EM_TICKETS_BOOKINGS_META_TABLE .' (ticket_booking_id, meta_key, meta_value) VALUES '. implode(',', $meta_insert)); } } $this->compat_keys(); return apply_filters('em_ticket_booking_save', ( count($this->errors) == 0 ), $this); }else{ $this->feedback_message = __('There was a problem saving the ticket booking.', 'events-manager'); $this->errors[] = __('There was a problem saving the ticket booking.', 'events-manager'); return apply_filters('em_ticket_booking_save', false, $this); } } /** * Validates the ticket during a booking * @return boolean */ function validate( $override_availability = false ){ return apply_filters('em_ticket_booking_validate', true, $this, $override_availability ); } /** * Get the total number of spaces booked for this ticket within this booking. As of 6.1 it's always one space. * @return int */ function get_spaces(){ return 1; } /** * Gets the total price for these tickets. If $format is set to true, the value returned is a price string with currency formatting. * @param boolean $format * @return double|string */ function get_price( $format = false ){ if( $this->ticket_booking_price == 0 ){ $this->calculate_price( true ); // depracated - preferable to use the _calculate_price filter $this->ticket_booking_price = apply_filters('em_ticket_booking_get_price', $this->ticket_booking_price, $this); } $price = $this->ticket_booking_price; //do some legacy checking here for bookings made prior to 5.4, due to how taxes are calculated if( $this->ticket_booking_id > 0 ){ $EM_Booking = $this->get_booking(); if( !empty($EM_Booking->legacy_tax_rate) ){ //check multisite nuances if( EM_MS_GLOBAL && $EM_Booking->get_event()->blog_id != get_current_blog_id() ){ //MultiSite AND Global tables enabled - get settings for blog that published the event $tax_auto_add = get_blog_option($EM_Booking->get_event()->blog_id, 'dbem_legacy_bookings_tax_auto_add'); }else{ //get booking from current site, whether or not we're in MultiSite $tax_auto_add = get_option('dbem_legacy_bookings_tax_auto_add'); } if( $tax_auto_add && $EM_Booking->get_tax_rate() > 0 ){ //this booking never had a tax rate fixed to it (i.e. prior to v5.4), and according to legacy settings, taxes were applied to this price //we now calculate price of ticket bookings without taxes, so remove the tax $price = $this->ticket_booking_price / (1 + $EM_Booking->get_tax_rate()/100 ); } } } //return price formatted or not if($format){ return $this->format_price($price); } return $price; } function get_price_with_taxes( $format = false ){ $price = $this->get_price() * (1 + $this->get_booking()->get_event()->get_tax_rate()/100); if( $format ) return $this->format_price($price); return $price; } function calculate_price( $force_refresh = false ){ if( $this->ticket_booking_price === null || $force_refresh ){ //get the ticket, calculate price on spaces $this->ticket_booking_price = $this->get_ticket()->get_price_without_tax(); $this->ticket_booking_price = apply_filters('em_ticket_booking_calculate_price', $this->ticket_booking_price, $this, $force_refresh); } return $this->ticket_booking_price; } /** * Smart booking locator, saves a database read if possible. * @return EM_Booking */ function get_booking(){ global $EM_Booking; if( is_object($this->booking) && $this->booking instanceof EM_Booking && ($this->booking->booking_id == $this->booking_id || (empty($this->ticket_booking_id) && empty($this->booking_id))) ){ return $this->booking; }elseif( is_object($EM_Booking) && $EM_Booking->booking_id == $this->booking_id ){ $this->booking = $EM_Booking; }else{ if(is_numeric($this->booking_id)){ $this->booking = em_get_booking($this->booking_id); }else{ $this->booking = em_get_booking(); } } return apply_filters('em_ticket_booking_get_booking', $this->booking, $this);; } /** * Gets the ticket object this booking belongs to, saves a reference in ticket property * @return EM_Ticket */ function get_ticket(){ global $EM_Ticket; if( is_object($this->ticket) && get_class($this->ticket)=='EM_Ticket' && $this->ticket->ticket_id == $this->ticket_id ){ return $this->ticket; }elseif( is_object($EM_Ticket) && $EM_Ticket->ticket_id == $this->ticket_id ){ $this->ticket = $EM_Ticket; }else{ $this->ticket = new EM_Ticket($this->ticket_id); } return apply_filters('em_ticket_booking_get_ticket', $this->ticket, $this); } /** * I wonder what this does.... * @return boolean */ function delete(){ global $wpdb; if( $this->ticket_booking_id ) { $sql = $wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM " . EM_TICKETS_BOOKINGS_TABLE . " WHERE ticket_booking_id=%d LIMIT 1", $this->ticket_booking_id); $result = $wpdb->query( $sql ); $sql = $wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM " . EM_TICKETS_BOOKINGS_META_TABLE . " WHERE ticket_booking_id=%d LIMIT 1", $this->ticket_booking_id); $result_meta = $wpdb->query( $sql ); }else{ //cannot delete ticket $result = false; } return apply_filters('em_ticket_booking_delete', ($result !== false && $result_meta !== false ), $this); } /** * Outputs ticket information, mainly reserved for add-ons that may extend ticket functionality, such as Pro. * @param $format * @param $target * @return mixed|void */ public function output($format, $target="html") { $output_string = $format; for ($i = 0 ; $i < EM_CONDITIONAL_RECURSIONS; $i++){ preg_match_all('/\{([a-zA-Z0-9_\-,]+)\}(.+?)\{\/\1\}/s', $format, $conditionals); if( count($conditionals[0]) > 0 ){ //Check if the language we want exists, if not we take the first language there foreach($conditionals[1] as $key => $condition){ $show_condition = false; $show_condition = apply_filters('em_ticket_booking_output_show_condition', $show_condition, $condition, $conditionals[0][$key], $this); if($show_condition){ //calculate lengths to delete placeholders $placeholder_length = strlen($condition)+2; $replacement = substr($conditionals[0][$key], $placeholder_length, strlen($conditionals[0][$key])-($placeholder_length *2 +1)); }else{ $replacement = ''; } $output_string = str_replace($conditionals[0][$key], apply_filters('em_ticket_booking_output_condition', $replacement, $condition, $conditionals[0][$key], $this), $format); } } } preg_match_all("/(#@?_?[A-Za-z0-9_]+)({([^}]+)})?/", $output_string, $placeholders); $replaces = array(); foreach($placeholders[1] as $key => $result) { $full_result = $placeholders[0][$key]; $placeholder_atts = array($result); if( !empty($placeholders[3][$key]) ) $placeholder_atts[] = $placeholders[3][$key]; /* For now there's nothing to switch, pro and others override this $replace = ''; switch( $result ){ default: $replace = $full_result; break; } */ $replace = $full_result; $replaces[$full_result] = apply_filters('em_ticket_booking_output_placeholder', $replace, $this, $full_result, $target, $placeholder_atts); } krsort($replaces); foreach($replaces as $full_result => $replacement){ $output_string = str_replace($full_result, $replacement , $output_string ); } return apply_filters('em_ticket_booking_output', $output_string, $this, $format, $target); } /** * Can the user manage this ticket? */ function can_manage( $owner_capability = false, $admin_capability = false, $user_to_check = false ){ return ( $this->get_booking()->can_manage() ); } public function __debugInfo(){ $object = clone($this); $object->booking = !empty($this->booking->booking_id) ? 'Booking ID #'.$this->booking->booking_id : 'New Booking - No ID'; $object->ticket = 'Ticket #'.$this->ticket_id . ' - ' . $this->get_ticket()->ticket_name; $object->fields = 'Removed for export, uncomment from __debugInfo()'; $object->required_fields = 'Removed for export, uncomment from __debugInfo()'; $object->shortnames = 'Removed for export, uncomment from __debugInfo()'; $object->mime_types = 'Removed for export, uncomment from __debugInfo()'; if( empty($object->errors) ) $object->errors = false; return (Array) $object; } } ?> Activiteiten - Alles voor Elkaar
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01 jul
ma 1 jul 2024    
09:00 - 12:00
Heeft u een lekke band of zoekt u een fiets voor een voordelig tarief? Dan bent u bij ons welkom. We  repareren ook rollators en [...]
04 jul
do 4 jul 2024    
09:00 - 12:00
Heeft u een lekke band of zoekt u een fiets voor een voordelig tarief? Dan bent u bij ons welkom. We  repareren ook rollators en [...]
08 jul
ma 8 jul 2024    
09:00 - 12:00
Heeft u een lekke band of zoekt u een fiets voor een voordelig tarief? Dan bent u bij ons welkom. We  repareren ook rollators en [...]
11 jul
do 11 jul 2024    
09:00 - 12:00
Heeft u een lekke band of zoekt u een fiets voor een voordelig tarief? Dan bent u bij ons welkom. We  repareren ook rollators en [...]
15 jul
ma 15 jul 2024    
09:00 - 12:00
Heeft u een lekke band of zoekt u een fiets voor een voordelig tarief? Dan bent u bij ons welkom. We  repareren ook rollators en [...]
18 jul
do 18 jul 2024    
09:00 - 12:00
Heeft u een lekke band of zoekt u een fiets voor een voordelig tarief? Dan bent u bij ons welkom. We  repareren ook rollators en [...]
22 jul
ma 22 jul 2024    
09:00 - 12:00
Heeft u een lekke band of zoekt u een fiets voor een voordelig tarief? Dan bent u bij ons welkom. We  repareren ook rollators en [...]
25 jul
do 25 jul 2024    
09:00 - 12:00
Heeft u een lekke band of zoekt u een fiets voor een voordelig tarief? Dan bent u bij ons welkom. We  repareren ook rollators en [...]
29 jul
ma 29 jul 2024    
09:00 - 12:00
Heeft u een lekke band of zoekt u een fiets voor een voordelig tarief? Dan bent u bij ons welkom. We  repareren ook rollators en [...]
01 aug
do 1 aug 2024    
09:00 - 12:00
Heeft u een lekke band of zoekt u een fiets voor een voordelig tarief? Dan bent u bij ons welkom. We  repareren ook rollators en [...]
Events on ma 1 jul 2024
01 jul
1 jul 24
Events on do 4 jul 2024
04 jul
4 jul 24
Events on ma 8 jul 2024
08 jul
8 jul 24
Events on do 11 jul 2024
11 jul
11 jul 24
Events on ma 15 jul 2024
15 jul
15 jul 24
Events on do 18 jul 2024
18 jul
18 jul 24
Events on ma 22 jul 2024
22 jul
22 jul 24
Events on do 25 jul 2024
25 jul
25 jul 24
Events on ma 29 jul 2024
29 jul
29 jul 24
Events on do 1 aug 2024
01 aug
1 aug 24