fined('EM_AJAX') || EM_AJAX ); if( empty($args['format']) && empty($args['format_header']) && empty($args['format_footer']) ){ ob_start(); if( !empty($args['ajax']) ){ echo '
'; } //open AJAX wrapper em_locate_template('templates/events-list-grouped.php', true, array('args'=>$args)); if( !empty($args['ajax']) ) echo "
"; //close AJAX wrapper $return = ob_get_clean(); }else{ $return = EM_Events::output_grouped( $args ); } return $return; } /** * Print a grouped list of events by year, month, week or day. * @since 4.213 * @param array $args * @param string $format * @return string */ function em_events_list_grouped( $args = array() ){ echo em_get_events_list_grouped($args); } /** * Creates an html link to the events page. * @param string $text * @return string */ function em_get_link( $text = '' ) { $text = ($text == '') ? get_option ( "dbem_events_page_title" ) : $text; $text = ($text == '') ? __('Events','events-manager') : $text; //In case options aren't there.... return ''.esc_html($text).''; } /** * Prints the result of em_get_link() * @param string $text * @uses em_get_link() */ function em_link($text = ''){ echo em_get_link($text); } /** * Creates an html link to the RSS feed * @param string $text * @return string */ function em_get_rss_link($text = "RSS") { $text = ($text == '') ? 'RSS' : $text; return ''.esc_html($text).''; } /** * Prints the result of em_get_rss_link() * @param string $text * @uses em_get_rss_link() */ function em_rss_link($text = "RSS"){ echo em_get_rss_link($text); } /* * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * User Interfaces - Forms, Tables etc. * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ //Event Forms /** * Outputs the event submission form for guests and members. * @param array $args */ function em_event_form($args = array()){ global $EM_Event; if( get_option('dbem_css_editors') ) echo '
'; if( !is_user_logged_in() && get_option('dbem_events_anonymous_submissions') && em_locate_template('forms/event-editor-guest.php') ){ em_locate_template('forms/event-editor-guest.php',true, array('args'=>$args)); }else{ if( !empty($_REQUEST['success']) ){ $EM_Event = new EM_Event(); //reset the event } if( empty($EM_Event->event_id) ){ $EM_Event = ( is_object($EM_Event) && get_class($EM_Event) == 'EM_Event') ? $EM_Event : new EM_Event(); //Give a default location & category $default_cat = get_option('dbem_default_category'); $default_loc = get_option('dbem_default_location'); if( get_option('dbem_categories_enabled') && is_numeric($default_cat) && $default_cat > 0 && !empty($EM_Event->get_categories()->categories) ){ $EM_Category = new EM_Category($default_cat); $EM_Event->get_categories()->categories[] = $EM_Category; } if( is_numeric($default_loc) && $default_loc > 0 && ( empty($EM_Event->get_location()->location_id) && empty($EM_Event->get_location()->location_name) && empty($EM_Event->get_location()->location_address) && empty($EM_Event->get_location()->location_town) ) ){ $EM_Event->location_id = $default_loc; $EM_Event->location = new EM_Location($default_loc); } } em_locate_template('forms/event-editor.php',true, array('args'=>$args)); } if( get_option('dbem_css_editors') ) echo '
'; wp_enqueue_style('dashicons'); } /** * Retreives the event submission form for guests and members. * @param array $args */ function em_get_event_form( $args = array() ){ ob_start(); em_event_form($args); return ob_get_clean(); } /** * Outputs table of events belonging to user * Additional search arguments: * * show_add_new - passes argument to template as $show_add_new whether to show the add new event button * @param array $args */ function em_events_admin($args = array()){ global $EM_Event, $EM_Notices, $bp; if( is_user_logged_in() && current_user_can('edit_events') ){ if( (!empty($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action']=='edit') || (!empty($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action']=='event_save') ){ if( empty($_REQUEST['redirect_to']) ){ $_REQUEST['redirect_to'] = em_add_get_params($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], array('action'=>null, 'event_id'=>null)); } em_event_form(); }else{ if( get_option('dbem_css_editors') ) echo '
'; //get listing options for $args $limit = ( !empty($_REQUEST['limit']) ) ? $_REQUEST['limit'] : 20;//Default limit $page = ( !empty($_REQUEST['pno']) ) ? $_REQUEST['pno']:1; $offset = ( $page > 1 ) ? ($page-1)*$limit : 0; $order = ( !empty($_REQUEST ['order']) ) ? $_REQUEST ['order']:'ASC'; $search = ( !empty($_REQUEST['em_search']) ) ? $_REQUEST['em_search']:''; //deal with view or scope/status combinations $show_add_new = isset($args['show_add_new']) ? $args['show_add_new']:true; $args = array('order' => $order, 'search' => $search, 'owner' => get_current_user_id()); if( current_user_can('edit_others_events') && !empty($_GET['admin_mode']) ){ $args['owner'] = false; } if( !empty($_REQUEST['recurrence_id']) ){ $Event = em_get_event( absint($_REQUEST['recurrence_id']) ); $EM_Notices->add_alert(sprintf(esc_html__('You are viewing individual recurrences of recurring event %s.', 'events-manager'), ''.$Event->event_name.'')); $EM_Notices->add_alert(esc_html__('You can edit individual recurrences and disassociate them with this recurring event.', 'events-manager')); $args['recurrence_id'] = absint($_REQUEST['recurrence_id']); } $args = apply_filters('em_events_admin_args', $args); //template $args for different views $args_views = array(); $args_views['pending'] = array_merge($args, array('status'=>0, 'scope' => 'all', 'recurring'=>'include')); $args_views['draft'] = array_merge($args, array('status'=>null, 'scope' => 'all', 'recurring'=>'include')); $args_views['past'] = array_merge($args, array('status'=>'all', 'scope' => 'past')); $args_views['future'] = array_merge($args, array('status'=>'1', 'scope' => 'future')); //modify $args for current view if( !empty($_REQUEST['view']) && in_array($_REQUEST['view'], array('future','draft','past','pending')) ){ $args = array_merge($args, $args_views[$_REQUEST['view']]); }else{ $scope_names = em_get_scopes(); $args['scope'] = ( !empty($_REQUEST ['scope']) && array_key_exists($_REQUEST ['scope'], $scope_names) ) ? $_REQUEST ['scope']:'future'; if( array_key_exists('status', $_REQUEST) ){ $status = ($_REQUEST['status']) ? 1:0; if($_REQUEST['status'] == 'all') $status = 'all'; if($_REQUEST['status'] == 'draft') $status = null; }else{ $status = false; } $args['status'] = $status; } //reset the limit and offset to allow for filter unset($args['limit']); unset($args['offset']); $events_count = EM_Events::count( $args ); //count events without limits for pagination //add limit and offset again to args $args['limit'] = $limit; $args['offset'] = $offset; $EM_Events = EM_Events::get( $args ); //now get the limited events to display $future_count = EM_Events::count( $args_views['future'] ); $pending_count = EM_Events::count( $args_views['pending'] ); $draft_count = EM_Events::count( $args_views['draft'] ); $past_count = EM_Events::count( $args_views['past'] ); em_locate_template('tables/events.php',true, array( 'args'=>$args, 'EM_Events'=>$EM_Events, 'events_count'=>$events_count, 'future_count'=>$future_count, 'pending_count'=>$pending_count, 'draft_count'=>$draft_count, 'past_count'=>$past_count, 'page' => $page, 'limit' => $limit, 'offset' => $offset, 'show_add_new' => $show_add_new )); if( get_option('dbem_css_editors') ) echo '
'; } }elseif( !is_user_logged_in() && get_option('dbem_events_anonymous_submissions') ){ em_event_form($args); }else{ if( get_option('dbem_css_editors') ) echo '
'; echo '
'. apply_filters('em_event_submission_login', __("You must log in to view and manage your events.",'events-manager')) . '
'; if( get_option('dbem_css_editors') ) echo '
'; } } /** * Retreives table of events belonging to user * @param array $args */ function em_get_events_admin( $args = array() ){ ob_start(); em_events_admin($args); return ob_get_clean(); } /** * Outputs the event search form. * @param array $args */ function em_event_search_form($args = array()){ $args = em_get_search_form_defaults($args); $args['ajax'] = isset($args['ajax']) ? $args['ajax']:(!defined('EM_AJAX') || EM_AJAX ); em_locate_template('templates/events-search.php',true, array('args'=>$args)); } /** * Retreives the event search form. * @param array $args */ function em_get_event_search_form( $args = array() ){ ob_start(); em_event_search_form($args); return ob_get_clean(); } //Location Forms /** * Outputs the location submission form for guests and members. * @param array $args */ function em_location_form($args = array()){ global $EM_Location; if( get_option('dbem_css_editors') ) echo '
'; $EM_Location = ( is_object($EM_Location) && get_class($EM_Location) == 'EM_Location') ? $EM_Location : new EM_Location(); em_locate_template('forms/location-editor.php',true); if( get_option('dbem_css_editors') ) echo '
'; } /** * Retreives the location submission form for guests and members. * @param array $args */ function em_get_location_form( $args = array() ){ ob_start(); em_location_form($args); return ob_get_clean(); } /** * Outputs table of locations belonging to user * @param array $args */ function em_locations_admin($args = array()){ global $EM_Location; if( is_user_logged_in() && current_user_can('edit_locations') ){ if( !empty($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action']=='edit' ){ if( empty($_REQUEST['redirect_to']) ){ $_REQUEST['redirect_to'] = em_add_get_params($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], array('action'=>null, 'location_id'=>null)); } em_location_form(); }else{ if( get_option('dbem_css_editors') ) echo '
'; $limit = ( !empty($_REQUEST['limit']) ) ? $_REQUEST['limit'] : 20;//Default limit $page = ( !empty($_REQUEST['pno']) ) ? $_REQUEST['pno']:1; $offset = ( $page > 1 ) ? ($page-1)*$limit : 0; $order = ( !empty($_REQUEST ['order']) ) ? $_REQUEST ['order']:'ASC'; if( array_key_exists('status', $_REQUEST) ){ $status = ($_REQUEST['status']) ? 1:0; }else{ $status = false; } $blog = false; if( EM_MS_GLOBAL && !get_site_option('dbem_ms_mainblog_locations') && !is_main_site() ){ //set current blog id if not on main site and using global mode whilst not forcing all locations to be on main blog $blog = get_current_blog_id(); } $args = array('limit'=>$limit, 'offset'=>$offset, 'status'=>$status, 'blog'=>$blog); //count locations $locations_mine_count = EM_Locations::count( array('owner'=>get_current_user_id(), 'blog'=>$blog, 'status'=>false) ); $locations_all_count = current_user_can('read_others_locations') ? EM_Locations::count(array('blog'=>$blog, 'status'=>false, 'owner'=>false)):0; //get set of locations if( !empty($_REQUEST['view']) && $_REQUEST['view'] == 'others' && current_user_can('read_others_locations') ){ $locations = EM_Locations::get($args); $locations_count = $locations_all_count; }else{ $locations = EM_Locations::get( array_merge($args, array('owner'=>get_current_user_id())) ); $locations_count = $locations_mine_count; } em_locate_template('tables/locations.php',true, array( 'args'=>$args, 'locations'=>$locations, 'locations_count'=>$locations_count, 'locations_mine_count'=>$locations_mine_count, 'locations_all_count'=>$locations_all_count, 'page' => $page, 'limit' => $limit, 'offset' => $offset, 'show_add_new' => true )); if( get_option('dbem_css_editors') ) echo '
'; } }else{ if( get_option('dbem_css_editors') ) echo '
'; echo '
'. __("You must log in to view and manage your locations.",'events-manager') .'
'; if( get_option('dbem_css_editors') ) echo '
'; } } /** * Retreives table of locations belonging to user * @param array $args */ function em_get_locations_admin( $args = array() ){ ob_start(); em_locations_admin($args); return ob_get_clean(); } /** * Outputs the location search form. * @param array $args */ function em_location_search_form($args = array()){ $args = em_get_search_form_defaults($args, 'locations'); $args['ajax'] = isset($args['ajax']) ? $args['ajax']:(!defined('EM_AJAX') || EM_AJAX ); em_locate_template('templates/locations-search.php',true, array('args'=>$args)); } /** * Retreives the event search form. * @param array $args */ function em_get_location_search_form( $args = array() ){ ob_start(); em_location_search_form($args); return ob_get_clean(); } //Bookings Pages function em_bookings_admin(){ if( get_option('dbem_css_rsvpadmin') ) echo '
'; if( is_user_logged_in() && current_user_can('manage_bookings') ){ global $wpdb, $current_user, $EM_Notices; include_once(EM_DIR.'/admin/em-bookings.php'); include_once(EM_DIR.'/admin/em-admin.php'); include_once(EM_DIR.'/admin/bookings/em-cancelled.php'); include_once(EM_DIR.'/admin/bookings/em-confirmed.php'); include_once(EM_DIR.'/admin/bookings/em-events.php'); include_once(EM_DIR.'/admin/bookings/em-pending.php'); include_once(EM_DIR.'/admin/bookings/em-person.php'); include_once(EM_DIR.'/admin/bookings/em-rejected.php'); em_bookings_page(); }else{ echo '
'. __("You must log in to view and manage your bookings.",'events-manager') .'
'; } if( get_option('dbem_css_rsvpadmin') ) echo '
'; } function em_get_bookings_admin(){ ob_start(); em_bookings_admin(); return ob_get_clean(); } function em_my_bookings(){ if( get_option('dbem_css_rsvp') ) echo '
'; em_locate_template('templates/my-bookings.php', true); if( get_option('dbem_css_rsvp') ) echo '
'; } function em_get_my_bookings(){ ob_start(); em_my_bookings(); return ob_get_clean(); } /* * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * Conditionals - Yes/No functions * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Returns whether or not this object is an event or not. This can be a loose verification method by supplying an EM_Event object, post object, post_id, or simply the post type. * If you want to ensure this is an EM_Event or child of EM_Event, pass the second parameter $require_object as true to force an EM_Event object check. * @param EM_Event|WP_Post|string|int $data * @param bool $object_required * @return bool * @since 5.9.7 */ function em_is_event( $data, $object_required = false ){ if( is_object($data) && !empty($data->post_type) ){ // we assume it's either a EM_Event class type or just a WP_Post object $post_type = $data->post_type; $is_event_object = get_class($data) == 'EM_Event' || is_subclass_of($data, 'EM_Object'); }elseif( is_numeric($data) ){ // we assume we were passed a post_id $post_type = get_post_type($data); }elseif( is_string($data) ){ // we assume we were passed a post type $post_type = $data; } if( !empty($post_type) ){ $is_event_post_type = $post_type == EM_POST_TYPE_EVENT || $post_type == 'event-recurring'; return $is_event_post_type && (!$object_required || !empty($is_event_object)); } return false; } /** * Returns whether or not this object is an location or not. This can be a loose verification method by supplying an EM_Location object, post object, post_id or simply the post type. * If you want to ensure this is an EM_Location or child of EM_Location, pass the second parameter $require_object as true to force an EM_Location object check. * @param EM_Location|WP_Post|string|int $data * @param bool $object_required * @return bool * @since 5.9.7 */ function em_is_location( $data, $object_required = false ){ if( is_object($data) && !empty($data->post_type) ){ // we assume it's either a EM_Location class type or just a WP_Post object $post_type = $data->post_type; $is_location_object = get_class($data) == 'EM_Location' || is_subclass_of($data, 'EM_Object'); }elseif( is_numeric($data) ){ // we assume we were passed a post_id $post_type = get_post_type($data); }elseif( is_string($data) ){ // we assume we were passed a post type $post_type = $data; } if( !empty($post_type) ){ $is_location_post_type = $post_type == EM_POST_TYPE_LOCATION; return $is_location_post_type && (!$object_required || !empty($is_location_object)); } return false; } /** * Returns true if there are any events that exist in the given scope (default is future events). * @param string $scope * @return boolean */ function em_are_events_available($scope = "future") { $scope = ($scope == "") ? "future":$scope; $events = EM_Events::get( array('limit'=>1, 'scope'=>$scope) ); return ( count($events) > 0 ); } /** * Returns true if the page is the events page. this is now only an events page, before v4.0.83 this would be true for any multiple page (e.g. locations) * @return boolean */ function em_is_events_page() { global $post; return em_get_page_type() == 'events'; } /** * Is this a a single event page? * @return boolean */ function em_is_event_page(){ return em_get_page_type() == 'event'; } /** * Is this a a single calendar day page? * @return boolean */ function em_is_calendar_day_page(){ return em_get_page_type() == 'calendar_day'; } /** * Is this a a single category page? * @return boolean */ function em_is_category_page( $category = false ){ if( !empty($category) ){ global $wp_query, $post, $em_category_id; if( is_tax(EM_TAXONOMY_CATEGORY, $category) ){ return true; } if( !empty($wp_query->em_category_id) || ($post->ID == get_option('dbem_categories_page') && !empty($em_category_id)) ){ $cat_id = !empty($wp_query->em_category_id) ? $wp_query->em_category_id:$em_category_id; $EM_Category = em_get_category($cat_id); if( is_array($category) ){ $is_category = array(); foreach( $category as $id_or_term ){ $is_category[] = is_numeric($id_or_term) ? $EM_Category->id == $id_or_term : ($EM_Category->slug == $id_or_term || $EM_Category->name == $id_or_term); } return in_array(true, $is_category); }else{ $is_category = is_numeric($category) ? $EM_Category->id == $category : ($EM_Category->slug == $category || $EM_Category->name == $category); return $is_category; } return false; } return false; } return em_get_page_type() == 'category'; } /** * Is this a categories list page? * @return boolean */ function em_is_categories_page(){ return em_get_page_type() == 'categories'; } /** * Is this a a single category page? * @return boolean */ function em_is_tag_page( $tag = false ){ if( !empty($tag) ){ global $wp_query, $post, $em_tag_id; if( is_tax(EM_TAXONOMY_TAG, $tag) ){ return true; } if( !empty($wp_query->em_tag_id) || !empty($em_tag_id) ){ $tag_id = !empty($wp_query->em_tag_id) ? $wp_query->em_tag_id:$em_tag_id; $EM_Tag = em_get_tag($tag_id); if( is_array($tag) ){ $is_tag = array(); foreach( $tag as $id_or_term ){ $is_tag[] = is_numeric($id_or_term) ? $EM_Tag->id == $id_or_term : ($EM_Tag->slug == $id_or_term || $EM_Tag->name == $id_or_term); } return in_array(true, $is_tag); }else{ $is_tag = is_numeric($tag) ? $EM_Tag->id == $tag : ($EM_Tag->slug == $tag || $EM_Tag->name == $tag); return $is_tag; } return false; } return false; } return em_get_page_type() == 'tag'; } /** * Is this a a single location page? * @return boolean */ function em_is_location_page(){ return em_get_page_type() == 'location'; } /** * Is this a locations list page? * @return boolean */ function em_is_locations_page(){ return em_get_page_type() == 'locations'; } /** * Is this my bookings page? * @return boolean */ function em_is_my_bookings_page(){ return em_get_page_type() == 'my_bookings'; } /** * Returns true if this is a single events page and the event is RSVPable * @return boolean */ function em_is_event_rsvpable() { //We assume that we're on a single event (or recurring event) page here, so $EM_Event must be loaded global $EM_Event; return ( em_is_event_page() && $EM_Event->rsvp ); } ?> Activiteiten - Alles voor Elkaar
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12:00 AM - Wandelen
9:00 AM - Groenonderhoud
12:00 AM - Wandelen
12:00 AM - Wandelen
9:00 AM - Groenonderhoud
12:00 AM - Wandelen
12:00 AM - Wandelen
9:00 AM - Groenonderhoud
12:00 AM - Wandelen
12:00 AM - Wandelen
9:00 AM - Groenonderhoud
12:00 AM - Wandelen
12:00 AM - Wandelen
29 apr
ma 29 apr 2024    
09:00 - 12:00
Heeft u een lekke band of zoekt u een fiets voor een voordelig tarief? Dan bent u bij ons welkom. We  repareren ook rollators en [...]
30 apr
di 30 apr 2024    
De wandeling duurt een uurtje en is voor iedereen toegankelijk. Na afloop is er koffie. Wel even van te voren aanmelden als het kan! Woensdag [...]
02 mei
do 2 mei 2024    
09:00 - 12:00
Heeft u een lekke band of zoekt u een fiets voor een voordelig tarief? Dan bent u bij ons welkom. We  repareren ook rollators en [...]
03 mei
vr 3 mei 2024    
09:00 - 12:00
Houdt u van buiten zijn, mooie natuur, vogels en eekhoorntjes, dan is het meehelpen in het onderhouden van het groen wellicht een activiteit die bij [...]
05 mei
zo 5 mei 2024    
De wandeling duurt een uurtje en is voor iedereen toegankelijk. Na afloop is er koffie. Wel even van te voren aanmelden als het kan! Woensdag [...]
06 mei
ma 6 mei 2024    
09:00 - 12:00
Heeft u een lekke band of zoekt u een fiets voor een voordelig tarief? Dan bent u bij ons welkom. We  repareren ook rollators en [...]
07 mei
di 7 mei 2024    
De wandeling duurt een uurtje en is voor iedereen toegankelijk. Na afloop is er koffie. Wel even van te voren aanmelden als het kan! Woensdag [...]
09 mei
do 9 mei 2024    
09:00 - 12:00
Heeft u een lekke band of zoekt u een fiets voor een voordelig tarief? Dan bent u bij ons welkom. We  repareren ook rollators en [...]
10 mei
vr 10 mei 2024    
09:00 - 12:00
Houdt u van buiten zijn, mooie natuur, vogels en eekhoorntjes, dan is het meehelpen in het onderhouden van het groen wellicht een activiteit die bij [...]
12 mei
zo 12 mei 2024    
De wandeling duurt een uurtje en is voor iedereen toegankelijk. Na afloop is er koffie. Wel even van te voren aanmelden als het kan! Woensdag [...]
13 mei
ma 13 mei 2024    
09:00 - 12:00
Heeft u een lekke band of zoekt u een fiets voor een voordelig tarief? Dan bent u bij ons welkom. We  repareren ook rollators en [...]
14 mei
di 14 mei 2024    
De wandeling duurt een uurtje en is voor iedereen toegankelijk. Na afloop is er koffie. Wel even van te voren aanmelden als het kan! Woensdag [...]
16 mei
do 16 mei 2024    
09:00 - 12:00
Heeft u een lekke band of zoekt u een fiets voor een voordelig tarief? Dan bent u bij ons welkom. We  repareren ook rollators en [...]
17 mei
vr 17 mei 2024    
09:00 - 12:00
Houdt u van buiten zijn, mooie natuur, vogels en eekhoorntjes, dan is het meehelpen in het onderhouden van het groen wellicht een activiteit die bij [...]
19 mei
zo 19 mei 2024    
De wandeling duurt een uurtje en is voor iedereen toegankelijk. Na afloop is er koffie. Wel even van te voren aanmelden als het kan! Woensdag [...]
20 mei
ma 20 mei 2024    
09:00 - 12:00
Heeft u een lekke band of zoekt u een fiets voor een voordelig tarief? Dan bent u bij ons welkom. We  repareren ook rollators en [...]
21 mei
di 21 mei 2024    
De wandeling duurt een uurtje en is voor iedereen toegankelijk. Na afloop is er koffie. Wel even van te voren aanmelden als het kan! Woensdag [...]
23 mei
do 23 mei 2024    
09:00 - 12:00
Heeft u een lekke band of zoekt u een fiets voor een voordelig tarief? Dan bent u bij ons welkom. We  repareren ook rollators en [...]
24 mei
vr 24 mei 2024    
09:00 - 12:00
Houdt u van buiten zijn, mooie natuur, vogels en eekhoorntjes, dan is het meehelpen in het onderhouden van het groen wellicht een activiteit die bij [...]
26 mei
zo 26 mei 2024    
De wandeling duurt een uurtje en is voor iedereen toegankelijk. Na afloop is er koffie. Wel even van te voren aanmelden als het kan! Woensdag [...]
27 mei
ma 27 mei 2024    
09:00 - 12:00
Heeft u een lekke band of zoekt u een fiets voor een voordelig tarief? Dan bent u bij ons welkom. We  repareren ook rollators en [...]
28 mei
di 28 mei 2024    
De wandeling duurt een uurtje en is voor iedereen toegankelijk. Na afloop is er koffie. Wel even van te voren aanmelden als het kan! Woensdag [...]
30 mei
do 30 mei 2024    
09:00 - 12:00
Heeft u een lekke band of zoekt u een fiets voor een voordelig tarief? Dan bent u bij ons welkom. We  repareren ook rollators en [...]
Events on ma 29 apr 2024
29 apr
29 apr 24
Events on di 30 apr 2024
30 apr
30 apr 24
Events on do 2 mei 2024
02 mei
2 mei 24
Events on vr 3 mei 2024
03 mei
3 mei 24
Events on zo 5 mei 2024
05 mei
5 mei 24
Events on ma 6 mei 2024
06 mei
6 mei 24
Events on di 7 mei 2024
07 mei
7 mei 24
Events on do 9 mei 2024
09 mei
9 mei 24
Events on vr 10 mei 2024
10 mei
10 mei 24
Events on zo 12 mei 2024
12 mei
12 mei 24
Events on ma 13 mei 2024
13 mei
13 mei 24
Events on di 14 mei 2024
14 mei
14 mei 24
Events on do 16 mei 2024
16 mei
16 mei 24
Events on vr 17 mei 2024
17 mei
17 mei 24
Events on zo 19 mei 2024
19 mei
19 mei 24
Events on ma 20 mei 2024
20 mei
20 mei 24
Events on di 21 mei 2024
21 mei
21 mei 24
Events on do 23 mei 2024
23 mei
23 mei 24
Events on vr 24 mei 2024
24 mei
24 mei 24
Events on zo 26 mei 2024
26 mei
26 mei 24
Events on ma 27 mei 2024
27 mei
27 mei 24
Events on di 28 mei 2024
28 mei
28 mei 24
Events on do 30 mei 2024
30 mei
30 mei 24