The WPSEO_Replace_Vars. * @param Schema_Types $schema_types The Schema_Types. * @param Current_Page_Helper $current_page_helper The Current_Page_Helper. * @param Post_Type_Helper $post_type_helper The Post_Type_Helper. * @param Language_Helper $language_helper The Language_Helper. * @param Taxonomy_Helper $taxonomy_helper The Taxonomy_Helper. * @param Product_Helper $product_helper The Product_Helper. * @param Woocommerce_Helper $woocommerce_helper The Woocommerce_Helper. * @param Article_Helper $article_helper The Article_Helper. * @param User_Helper $user_helper The User_Helper. * @param Options_Helper $options The options helper. * @param Content_Type_Visibility_Dismiss_Notifications $content_type_visibility The Content_Type_Visibility_Dismiss_Notifications instance. */ public function __construct( WPSEO_Admin_Asset_Manager $asset_manager, WPSEO_Replace_Vars $replace_vars, Schema_Types $schema_types, Current_Page_Helper $current_page_helper, Post_Type_Helper $post_type_helper, Language_Helper $language_helper, Taxonomy_Helper $taxonomy_helper, Product_Helper $product_helper, Woocommerce_Helper $woocommerce_helper, Article_Helper $article_helper, User_Helper $user_helper, Options_Helper $options, Content_Type_Visibility_Dismiss_Notifications $content_type_visibility ) { $this->asset_manager = $asset_manager; $this->replace_vars = $replace_vars; $this->schema_types = $schema_types; $this->current_page_helper = $current_page_helper; $this->taxonomy_helper = $taxonomy_helper; $this->post_type_helper = $post_type_helper; $this->language_helper = $language_helper; $this->product_helper = $product_helper; $this->woocommerce_helper = $woocommerce_helper; $this->article_helper = $article_helper; $this->user_helper = $user_helper; $this->options = $options; $this->content_type_visibility = $content_type_visibility; } /** * Returns the conditionals based on which this loadable should be active. * * @return array */ public static function get_conditionals() { return [ Settings_Conditional::class ]; } /** * Initializes the integration. * * This is the place to register hooks and filters. * * @return void */ public function register_hooks() { // Add page. \add_filter( 'wpseo_submenu_pages', [ $this, 'add_page' ] ); \add_filter( 'admin_menu', [ $this, 'add_settings_saved_page' ] ); // Are we saving the settings? if ( $this->current_page_helper->get_current_admin_page() === 'options.php' ) { // phpcs:disable WordPress.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged -- This deprecation will be addressed later. $post_action = \filter_input( \INPUT_POST, 'action', @\FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ); $option_page = \filter_input( \INPUT_POST, 'option_page', @\FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ); // phpcs:enable if ( $post_action === 'update' && $option_page === self::PAGE ) { \add_action( 'admin_init', [ $this, 'register_setting' ] ); \add_action( 'in_admin_header', [ $this, 'remove_notices' ], \PHP_INT_MAX ); } return; } // Are we on the settings page? if ( $this->current_page_helper->get_current_yoast_seo_page() === self::PAGE ) { \add_action( 'admin_init', [ $this, 'register_setting' ] ); \add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', [ $this, 'enqueue_assets' ] ); \add_action( 'in_admin_header', [ $this, 'remove_notices' ], \PHP_INT_MAX ); } } /** * Registers the different options under the setting. * * @return void */ public function register_setting() { foreach ( WPSEO_Options::$options as $name => $instance ) { if ( \in_array( $name, self::ALLOWED_OPTION_GROUPS, true ) ) { \register_setting( self::PAGE, $name ); } } // Only register WP options when the user is allowed to manage them. if ( \current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { foreach ( self::WP_OPTIONS as $name ) { \register_setting( self::PAGE, $name ); } } } /** * Adds the page. * * @param array $pages The pages. * * @return array The pages. */ public function add_page( $pages ) { \array_splice( $pages, 1, 0, [ [ 'wpseo_dashboard', '', \__( 'Settings', 'wordpress-seo' ), 'wpseo_manage_options', self::PAGE, [ $this, 'display_page' ], ], ] ); return $pages; } /** * Adds a dummy page. * * Because the options route NEEDS to redirect to something. * * @param array $pages The pages. * * @return array The pages. */ public function add_settings_saved_page( $pages ) { \add_submenu_page( '', '', '', 'wpseo_manage_options', self::PAGE . '_saved', static function () { // Add success indication to HTML response. $success = empty( \get_settings_errors() ) ? 'true' : 'false'; echo \esc_html( "{{ yoast-success: $success }}" ); } ); return $pages; } /** * Displays the page. * * @return void */ public function display_page() { echo '
'; } /** * Enqueues the assets. * * @return void */ public function enqueue_assets() { // Remove the emoji script as it is incompatible with both React and any contenteditable fields. \remove_action( 'admin_print_scripts', 'print_emoji_detection_script' ); \wp_enqueue_media(); $this->asset_manager->enqueue_script( 'new-settings' ); $this->asset_manager->enqueue_style( 'new-settings' ); if ( \YoastSEO()->classes->get( Promotion_Manager::class )->is( 'black-friday-2023-promotion' ) ) { $this->asset_manager->enqueue_style( 'black-friday-banner' ); } $this->asset_manager->localize_script( 'new-settings', 'wpseoScriptData', $this->get_script_data() ); } /** * Removes all current WP notices. * * @return void */ public function remove_notices() { \remove_all_actions( 'admin_notices' ); \remove_all_actions( 'user_admin_notices' ); \remove_all_actions( 'network_admin_notices' ); \remove_all_actions( 'all_admin_notices' ); } /** * Creates the script data. * * @return array The script data. */ protected function get_script_data() { $default_setting_values = $this->get_default_setting_values(); $settings = $this->get_settings( $default_setting_values ); $post_types = $this->post_type_helper->get_indexable_post_type_objects(); $taxonomies = $this->taxonomy_helper->get_indexable_taxonomy_objects(); // Check if attachments are included in indexation. if ( ! \array_key_exists( 'attachment', $post_types ) ) { // Always include attachments in the settings, to let the user enable them again. $attachment_object = \get_post_type_object( 'attachment' ); if ( ! empty( $attachment_object ) ) { $post_types['attachment'] = $attachment_object; } } // Check if post formats are included in indexation. if ( ! \array_key_exists( 'post_format', $taxonomies ) ) { // Always include post_format in the settings, to let the user enable them again. $post_format_object = \get_taxonomy( 'post_format' ); if ( ! empty( $post_format_object ) ) { $taxonomies['post_format'] = $post_format_object; } } $transformed_post_types = $this->transform_post_types( $post_types ); $transformed_taxonomies = $this->transform_taxonomies( $taxonomies, \array_keys( $transformed_post_types ) ); // Check if there is a new content type to show notification only once in the settings. $show_new_content_type_notification = $this->content_type_visibility->maybe_add_settings_notification(); return [ 'settings' => $this->transform_settings( $settings ), 'defaultSettingValues' => $default_setting_values, 'disabledSettings' => $this->get_disabled_settings( $settings ), 'endpoint' => \admin_url( 'options.php' ), 'nonce' => \wp_create_nonce( self::PAGE . '-options' ), 'separators' => WPSEO_Option_Titles::get_instance()->get_separator_options_for_display(), 'replacementVariables' => $this->get_replacement_variables(), 'schema' => $this->get_schema( $transformed_post_types ), 'preferences' => $this->get_preferences( $settings ), 'linkParams' => WPSEO_Shortlinker::get_query_params(), 'postTypes' => $transformed_post_types, 'taxonomies' => $transformed_taxonomies, 'fallbacks' => $this->get_fallbacks(), 'showNewContentTypeNotification' => $show_new_content_type_notification, ]; } /** * Retrieves the preferences. * * @param array $settings The settings. * * @return array The preferences. */ protected function get_preferences( $settings ) { $shop_page_id = $this->woocommerce_helper->get_shop_page_id(); $homepage_is_latest_posts = \get_option( 'show_on_front' ) === 'posts'; $page_on_front = \get_option( 'page_on_front' ); $page_for_posts = \get_option( 'page_for_posts' ); $wpseo_plugin_availability_checker = new WPSEO_Plugin_Availability(); $woocommerce_seo_file = 'wpseo-woocommerce/wpseo-woocommerce.php'; $woocommerce_seo_active = $wpseo_plugin_availability_checker->is_active( $woocommerce_seo_file ); if ( empty( $page_on_front ) ) { $page_on_front = $page_for_posts; } $business_settings_url = \get_admin_url( null, 'admin.php?page=wpseo_local' ); if ( \defined( 'WPSEO_LOCAL_FILE' ) ) { $local_options = \get_option( 'wpseo_local' ); $multiple_locations = $local_options['use_multiple_locations']; $same_organization = $local_options['multiple_locations_same_organization']; if ( $multiple_locations === 'on' && $same_organization !== 'on' ) { $business_settings_url = \get_admin_url( null, 'edit.php?post_type=wpseo_locations' ); } } return [ 'isPremium' => $this->product_helper->is_premium(), 'isRtl' => \is_rtl(), 'isNetworkAdmin' => \is_network_admin(), 'isMainSite' => \is_main_site(), 'isMultisite' => \is_multisite(), 'isWooCommerceActive' => $this->woocommerce_helper->is_active(), 'isLocalSeoActive' => \defined( 'WPSEO_LOCAL_FILE' ), 'isNewsSeoActive' => \defined( 'WPSEO_NEWS_FILE' ), 'isWooCommerceSEOActive' => $woocommerce_seo_active, 'promotions' => \YoastSEO()->classes->get( Promotion_Manager::class )->get_current_promotions(), 'siteUrl' => \get_bloginfo( 'url' ), 'siteTitle' => \get_bloginfo( 'name' ), 'sitemapUrl' => WPSEO_Sitemaps_Router::get_base_url( 'sitemap_index.xml' ), 'hasWooCommerceShopPage' => $shop_page_id !== -1, 'editWooCommerceShopPageUrl' => \get_edit_post_link( $shop_page_id, 'js' ), 'wooCommerceShopPageSettingUrl' => \get_admin_url( null, 'admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=products' ), 'localSeoPageSettingUrl' => $business_settings_url, 'homepageIsLatestPosts' => $homepage_is_latest_posts, 'homepagePageEditUrl' => \get_edit_post_link( $page_on_front, 'js' ), 'homepagePostsEditUrl' => \get_edit_post_link( $page_for_posts, 'js' ), 'createUserUrl' => \admin_url( 'user-new.php' ), 'createPageUrl' => \admin_url( 'post-new.php?post_type=page' ), 'editUserUrl' => \admin_url( 'user-edit.php' ), 'editTaxonomyUrl' => \admin_url( 'edit-tags.php' ), 'generalSettingsUrl' => \admin_url( 'options-general.php' ), 'companyOrPersonMessage' => \apply_filters( 'wpseo_knowledge_graph_setting_msg', '' ), 'currentUserId' => \get_current_user_id(), 'canCreateUsers' => \current_user_can( 'create_users' ), 'canCreatePages' => \current_user_can( 'edit_pages' ), 'canEditUsers' => \current_user_can( 'edit_users' ), 'canManageOptions' => \current_user_can( 'manage_options' ), 'userLocale' => \str_replace( '_', '-', \get_user_locale() ), 'pluginUrl' => \plugins_url( '', \WPSEO_FILE ), 'showForceRewriteTitlesSetting' => ! \current_theme_supports( 'title-tag' ) && ! ( \function_exists( 'wp_is_block_theme' ) && \wp_is_block_theme() ), 'upsellSettings' => $this->get_upsell_settings(), 'siteRepresentsPerson' => $this->get_site_represents_person( $settings ), 'siteBasicsPolicies' => $this->get_site_basics_policies( $settings ), ]; } /** * Retrieves the currently represented person. * * @param array $settings The settings. * * @return array The currently represented person's ID and name. */ protected function get_site_represents_person( $settings ) { $person = [ 'id' => false, 'name' => '', ]; if ( isset( $settings['wpseo_titles']['company_or_person_user_id'] ) ) { $person['id'] = $settings['wpseo_titles']['company_or_person_user_id']; $user = \get_userdata( $person['id'] ); if ( $user instanceof WP_User ) { $person['name'] = $user->get( 'display_name' ); } } return $person; } /** * Get site policy data. * * @param array $settings The settings. * * @return array The policy data. */ private function get_site_basics_policies( $settings ) { $policies = []; $policies = $this->maybe_add_policy( $policies, $settings['wpseo_titles']['publishing_principles_id'], 'publishing_principles_id' ); $policies = $this->maybe_add_policy( $policies, $settings['wpseo_titles']['ownership_funding_info_id'], 'ownership_funding_info_id' ); $policies = $this->maybe_add_policy( $policies, $settings['wpseo_titles']['actionable_feedback_policy_id'], 'actionable_feedback_policy_id' ); $policies = $this->maybe_add_policy( $policies, $settings['wpseo_titles']['corrections_policy_id'], 'corrections_policy_id' ); $policies = $this->maybe_add_policy( $policies, $settings['wpseo_titles']['ethics_policy_id'], 'ethics_policy_id' ); $policies = $this->maybe_add_policy( $policies, $settings['wpseo_titles']['diversity_policy_id'], 'diversity_policy_id' ); $policies = $this->maybe_add_policy( $policies, $settings['wpseo_titles']['diversity_staffing_report_id'], 'diversity_staffing_report_id' ); return $policies; } /** * Adds policy data if it is present. * * @param array $policies The existing policy data. * @param int $policy The policy id to check. * @param string $key The option key name. * * @return array The policy data. */ private function maybe_add_policy( $policies, $policy, $key ) { $policy_array = [ 'id' => 0, 'name' => \__( 'None', 'wordpress-seo' ), ]; if ( isset( $policy ) && \is_int( $policy ) ) { $policy_array['id'] = $policy; $post = \get_post( $policy ); if ( $post instanceof WP_Post ) { if ( $post->post_status !== 'publish' || $post->post_password !== '' ) { return $policies; } $policy_array['name'] = $post->post_title; } } $policies[ $key ] = $policy_array; return $policies; } /** * Returns settings for the Call to Buy (CTB) buttons. * * @return array The array of CTB settings. */ public function get_upsell_settings() { return [ 'actionId' => 'load-nfd-ctb', 'premiumCtbId' => 'f6a84663-465f-4cb5-8ba5-f7a6d72224b2', ]; } /** * Retrieves the default setting values. * * These default values are currently being used in the UI for dummy fields. * Dummy fields should not expose or reflect the actual data. * * @return array The default setting values. */ protected function get_default_setting_values() { $defaults = []; // Add Yoast settings. foreach ( WPSEO_Options::$options as $option_name => $instance ) { if ( \in_array( $option_name, self::ALLOWED_OPTION_GROUPS, true ) ) { $option_instance = WPSEO_Options::get_option_instance( $option_name ); $defaults[ $option_name ] = ( $option_instance ) ? $option_instance->get_defaults() : []; } } // Add WP settings. foreach ( self::WP_OPTIONS as $option_name ) { $defaults[ $option_name ] = ''; } // Remove disallowed settings. foreach ( self::DISALLOWED_SETTINGS as $option_name => $disallowed_settings ) { foreach ( $disallowed_settings as $disallowed_setting ) { unset( $defaults[ $option_name ][ $disallowed_setting ] ); } } if ( \defined( 'WPSEO_LOCAL_FILE' ) ) { $defaults = $this->get_defaults_from_local_seo( $defaults ); } return $defaults; } /** * Retrieves the organization schema values from Local SEO for defaults in Site representation fields. * Specifically for the org-vat-id, org-tax-id, org-email and org-phone options. * * @param array $defaults The settings defaults. * * @return array The settings defaults with local seo overides. */ protected function get_defaults_from_local_seo( $defaults ) { $local_options = \get_option( 'wpseo_local' ); $multiple_locations = $local_options['use_multiple_locations']; $same_organization = $local_options['multiple_locations_same_organization']; $shared_info = $local_options['multiple_locations_shared_business_info']; if ( $multiple_locations !== 'on' || ( $multiple_locations === 'on' && $same_organization === 'on' && $shared_info === 'on' ) ) { $defaults['wpseo_titles']['org-vat-id'] = $local_options['location_vat_id']; $defaults['wpseo_titles']['org-tax-id'] = $local_options['location_tax_id']; $defaults['wpseo_titles']['org-email'] = $local_options['location_email']; $defaults['wpseo_titles']['org-phone'] = $local_options['location_phone']; } if ( \wpseo_has_primary_location() ) { $primary_location = $local_options['multiple_locations_primary_location']; $location_keys = [ 'org-phone' => [ 'is_overridden' => '_wpseo_is_overridden_business_phone', 'value' => '_wpseo_business_phone', ], 'org-email' => [ 'is_overridden' => '_wpseo_is_overridden_business_email', 'value' => '_wpseo_business_email', ], 'org-tax-id' => [ 'is_overridden' => '_wpseo_is_overridden_business_tax_id', 'value' => '_wpseo_business_tax_id', ], 'org-vat-id' => [ 'is_overridden' => '_wpseo_is_overridden_business_vat_id', 'value' => '_wpseo_business_vat_id', ], ]; foreach ( $location_keys as $key => $meta_keys ) { $is_overridden = ( $shared_info === 'on' ) ? \get_post_meta( $primary_location, $meta_keys['is_overridden'], true ) : false; if ( $is_overridden === 'on' || $shared_info !== 'on' ) { $post_meta_value = \get_post_meta( $primary_location, $meta_keys['value'], true ); $defaults['wpseo_titles'][ $key ] = ( $post_meta_value ) ? $post_meta_value : ''; } } } return $defaults; } /** * Retrieves the settings and their values. * * @param array $default_setting_values The default setting values. * * @return array The settings. */ protected function get_settings( $default_setting_values ) { $settings = []; // Add Yoast settings. foreach ( WPSEO_Options::$options as $option_name => $instance ) { if ( \in_array( $option_name, self::ALLOWED_OPTION_GROUPS, true ) ) { $settings[ $option_name ] = \array_merge( $default_setting_values[ $option_name ], WPSEO_Options::get_option( $option_name ) ); } } // Add WP settings. foreach ( self::WP_OPTIONS as $option_name ) { $settings[ $option_name ] = \get_option( $option_name ); } // Remove disallowed settings. foreach ( self::DISALLOWED_SETTINGS as $option_name => $disallowed_settings ) { foreach ( $disallowed_settings as $disallowed_setting ) { unset( $settings[ $option_name ][ $disallowed_setting ] ); } } return $settings; } /** * Transforms setting values. * * @param array $settings The settings. * * @return array The settings. */ protected function transform_settings( $settings ) { if ( isset( $settings['wpseo_titles']['breadcrumbs-sep'] ) ) { /** * The breadcrumbs separator default value is the HTML entity `»`. * Which does not get decoded in our JS, while it did in our Yoast form. Decode it here as an exception. */ $settings['wpseo_titles']['breadcrumbs-sep'] = \html_entity_decode( $settings['wpseo_titles']['breadcrumbs-sep'], ( \ENT_NOQUOTES | \ENT_HTML5 ), 'UTF-8' ); } /** * Decode some WP options. */ $settings['blogdescription'] = \html_entity_decode( $settings['blogdescription'], ( \ENT_NOQUOTES | \ENT_HTML5 ), 'UTF-8' ); return $settings; } /** * Retrieves the disabled settings. * * @param array $settings The settings. * * @return array The settings. */ protected function get_disabled_settings( $settings ) { $disabled_settings = []; $site_language = $this->language_helper->get_language(); foreach ( WPSEO_Options::$options as $option_name => $instance ) { if ( ! \in_array( $option_name, self::ALLOWED_OPTION_GROUPS, true ) ) { continue; } $disabled_settings[ $option_name ] = []; $option_instance = WPSEO_Options::get_option_instance( $option_name ); if ( $option_instance === false ) { continue; } foreach ( $settings[ $option_name ] as $setting_name => $setting_value ) { if ( $option_instance->is_disabled( $setting_name ) ) { $disabled_settings[ $option_name ][ $setting_name ] = 'network'; } } } // Remove disabled on multisite settings. if ( \is_multisite() ) { foreach ( self::DISABLED_ON_MULTISITE_SETTINGS as $option_name => $disabled_ms_settings ) { if ( \array_key_exists( $option_name, $disabled_settings ) ) { foreach ( $disabled_ms_settings as $disabled_ms_setting ) { $disabled_settings[ $option_name ][ $disabled_ms_setting ] = 'multisite'; } } } } if ( \array_key_exists( 'wpseo', $disabled_settings ) && ! $this->language_helper->has_inclusive_language_support( $site_language ) ) { $disabled_settings['wpseo']['inclusive_language_analysis_active'] = 'language'; } return $disabled_settings; } /** * Retrieves the replacement variables. * * @return array The replacement variables. */ protected function get_replacement_variables() { $recommended_replace_vars = new WPSEO_Admin_Recommended_Replace_Vars(); $specific_replace_vars = new WPSEO_Admin_Editor_Specific_Replace_Vars(); $replacement_variables = $this->replace_vars->get_replacement_variables_with_labels(); return [ 'variables' => $replacement_variables, 'recommended' => $recommended_replace_vars->get_recommended_replacevars(), 'specific' => $specific_replace_vars->get(), 'shared' => $specific_replace_vars->get_generic( $replacement_variables ), ]; } /** * Retrieves the schema. * * @param array $post_types The post types. * * @return array The schema. */ protected function get_schema( array $post_types ) { $schema = []; foreach ( $this->schema_types->get_article_type_options() as $article_type ) { $schema['articleTypes'][ $article_type['value'] ] = [ 'label' => $article_type['name'], 'value' => $article_type['value'], ]; } foreach ( $this->schema_types->get_page_type_options() as $page_type ) { $schema['pageTypes'][ $page_type['value'] ] = [ 'label' => $page_type['name'], 'value' => $page_type['value'], ]; } $schema['articleTypeDefaults'] = []; $schema['pageTypeDefaults'] = []; foreach ( $post_types as $name => $post_type ) { $schema['articleTypeDefaults'][ $name ] = WPSEO_Options::get_default( 'wpseo_titles', "schema-article-type-$name" ); $schema['pageTypeDefaults'][ $name ] = WPSEO_Options::get_default( 'wpseo_titles', "schema-page-type-$name" ); } return $schema; } /** * Transforms the post types, to represent them. * * @param WP_Post_Type[] $post_types The WP_Post_Type array to transform. * * @return array The post types. */ protected function transform_post_types( $post_types ) { $transformed = []; $new_post_types = $this->options->get( 'new_post_types', [] ); foreach ( $post_types as $post_type ) { $transformed[ $post_type->name ] = [ 'name' => $post_type->name, 'route' => $this->get_route( $post_type->name, $post_type->rewrite, $post_type->rest_base ), 'label' => $post_type->label, 'singularLabel' => $post_type->labels->singular_name, 'hasArchive' => $this->post_type_helper->has_archive( $post_type ), 'hasSchemaArticleType' => $this->article_helper->is_article_post_type( $post_type->name ), 'menuPosition' => $post_type->menu_position, 'isNew' => \in_array( $post_type->name, $new_post_types, true ), ]; } \uasort( $transformed, [ $this, 'compare_post_types' ] ); return $transformed; } /** * Compares two post types. * * @param array $a The first post type. * @param array $b The second post type. * * @return int The order. */ protected function compare_post_types( $a, $b ) { if ( $a['menuPosition'] === null && $b['menuPosition'] !== null ) { return 1; } if ( $a['menuPosition'] !== null && $b['menuPosition'] === null ) { return -1; } if ( $a['menuPosition'] === null && $b['menuPosition'] === null ) { // No position specified, order alphabetically by label. return \strnatcmp( $a['label'], $b['label'] ); } return ( ( $a['menuPosition'] < $b['menuPosition'] ) ? -1 : 1 ); } /** * Transforms the taxonomies, to represent them. * * @param WP_Taxonomy[] $taxonomies The WP_Taxonomy array to transform. * @param string[] $post_type_names The post type names. * * @return array The taxonomies. */ protected function transform_taxonomies( $taxonomies, $post_type_names ) { $transformed = []; $new_taxonomies = $this->options->get( 'new_taxonomies', [] ); foreach ( $taxonomies as $taxonomy ) { $transformed[ $taxonomy->name ] = [ 'name' => $taxonomy->name, 'route' => $this->get_route( $taxonomy->name, $taxonomy->rewrite, $taxonomy->rest_base ), 'label' => $taxonomy->label, 'showUi' => $taxonomy->show_ui, 'singularLabel' => $taxonomy->labels->singular_name, 'postTypes' => \array_filter( $taxonomy->object_type, static function ( $object_type ) use ( $post_type_names ) { return \in_array( $object_type, $post_type_names, true ); } ), 'isNew' => \in_array( $taxonomy->name, $new_taxonomies, true ), ]; } \uasort( $transformed, static function ( $a, $b ) { return \strnatcmp( $a['label'], $b['label'] ); } ); return $transformed; } /** * Gets the route from a name, rewrite and rest_base. * * @param string $name The name. * @param array $rewrite The rewrite data. * @param string $rest_base The rest base. * * @return string The route. */ protected function get_route( $name, $rewrite, $rest_base ) { $route = $name; if ( isset( $rewrite['slug'] ) ) { $route = $rewrite['slug']; } if ( ! empty( $rest_base ) ) { $route = $rest_base; } // Always strip leading slashes. while ( \substr( $route, 0, 1 ) === '/' ) { $route = \substr( $route, 1 ); } return \rawurlencode( $route ); } /** * Retrieves the fallbacks. * * @return array The fallbacks. */ protected function get_fallbacks() { $site_logo_id = \get_option( 'site_logo' ); if ( ! $site_logo_id ) { $site_logo_id = \get_theme_mod( 'custom_logo' ); } if ( ! $site_logo_id ) { $site_logo_id = '0'; } return [ 'siteLogoId' => $site_logo_id, ]; } } Wijkwerkplaats: fietsreparatie - Alles voor Elkaar
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Wijkwerkplaats: fietsreparatie

do 30 apr 2020
09:00 - 12:00 uur

Ben je handig of ben je dit juist niet. Op maandag en donderdag is de wijkwerkplaats geopend en ontmoeten buurtbewoners en deelnemers elkaar om gezamenlijk te klussen en of dingen te repareren.

Leo en Achmed staan voor u klaar om u te helpen met klusjes aan de fiets. Heeft u helemaal twee linker handen dan maken ze hem voor u.

Al onze activiteiten vinden plaats met in achtneming van de corona regels. Dit houdt in dat u zich moet aanmelden alvorens langs te komen zodat we de regels kunnen waarborgen.


Je kunt je aanmelden voor deze activiteit via het contactformulier